Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm feeling really emo and sad now... depressed... maybe i should start slashing myself...

Colin's weather forecast is like OVERCAST with a high tendancy to cry...

I SUDDENLY felt like this today, i felt so fake in poly... like i'm FORCING myself to like it, and FORCING myself to make friends... i even feel bad for my present poly clique cause i'm not even sure i'm being truthful to them...

O GOD, i feel dumb... dumb for leaving you all...

Prata house was fun, but it showed me how much i have slipped socially... i can't bitch about weird people anymore with you all... i can't talk about hot guys and stuff... i feel deprived...

O, and did i mention that my clique consists of a homophobic guy? WOW, that's really great...

You all, are the MOST accepting, MOST fun, and GREATEST bunch of people i have EVER met, and NOTHING - even God- is going to change that...

In CJ with you all, i SERIOUSLY feel at peace, at home, like i can TOTALLY be myself... in TP... well... i guess only time can make things better or worse...

All the best to me me i guess and for you guys, who are ALL probably studying for a test or rushing assignments... jia you k?

I'll always love you all, as much as my parents...

Missing you all much!

The EVER so Fabulous

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